Creating a custom dataset by superclassing ImageNet

Often in both adversarial robustness research and otherwise, datasets with the richness of ImageNet are desired, but without the added complexity of the 1000-way ILSVRC classification task. A common workaround is to “superclass” ImageNet, that is, to define a new dataset that contains broad classes which each subsume several of the original ImageNet classes.

In this document, we will discuss how to (a) load pre-packaged ImageNet-based datasets that we’ve created, and (b) create new custom N-class subset of ImageNet data by leveraging the WordNet hierarchy to build superclasses. The robustness library provides functionality to do this via the CustomImageNet and ImageNetHierarchy classes. In this walkthrough, we’ll see how to use these classes to browse and use the WordNet hierarchy to create custom ImageNet-based datasets.

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To create custom ImageNet datasets, we need (a) the ImageNet dataset to be downloaded and available in PyTorch-readable format, and (b) the files wordnet.is_a.txt, words.txt and imagenet_class_index.json, all contained within the same directory (all of these files can be obtained from the ImageNet website.

Basic Usage: Loading Pre-Packaged ImageNet-based Datasets

To make things as easy as possible, we’ve compiled a list of large, but less complex ImageNet-based datasets. These datasets can be loaded in their unbalanced or balanced forms, where in the latter we truncate each class to have the same number of images as the smallest class. We enumerate these datasets below:

Dataset Name Classes
Dog (n02084071), Bird (n01503061),
Arthropod (n01767661), Reptile (n01661091),
Primate (n02469914), Fish (n02512053),
Feline (n02120997), Bovid (n02401031),
Amphibian (n01627424)
Dog (n02084071), Bird (n01503061),
Insect (n02159955), Monkey (n02484322),
Car (n02958343), Cat (n02120997),
Truck (n04490091), Fruit (n13134947),
Fungus (n12992868), Boat (n02858304)
Dog (n02084071), Bird (n01503061),
Insect (n02159955), Furniture (n03405725),
Fish (n02512053), Monkey (n02484322),
Car (n02958343), Cat (n02120997),
Truck (n04490091), Fruit (n13134947),
Fungus (n12992868), Boat (n02858304),
Computer (n03082979)
Aircraft (n02686568), Bear (n02131653),
Bicycle (n02834778), Bird (n01503061),
Boat (n02858304), Bottle (n02876657),
Car (n02958343), Cat (n02121808),
Char (n03001627), Clock (n03046257),
Dog (n02084071), Elephant (n02503517),
Keyboard (n03614532), Knife (n03623556),
Oven (n03862676), Truck (n04490091),
Dog (n02084071), Structure(n04341686),
Bird (n01503061), Clothing (n03051540),
Vehicle(n04576211), Reptile (n01661091),
Carnivore (n02075296), Insect (n02159955),
Instrument (n03800933), Food (n07555863),
Furniture (n03405725), Primate (n02469914),

Loading any of these datasets (for example, mixed_10) is relatively simple:

from robustness import datasets
from import common_superclass_wnid, ImageNetHierarchy

in_hier = ImageNetHierarchy(in_path, in_info_path)
superclass_wnid = common_superclass_wnid('mixed_10')
class_ranges, label_map = in_hier.get_subclasses(superclass_wnid, balanced=True)

In the above, in_path should point to a folder with the ImageNet dataset in train and val sub-folders; in_info_path should be the path to the directory containing the aforementioned files (wordnet.is_a.txt, words.txt, imagenet_class_index.json).

We can then create a dataset and the corresponding data loader using:

custom_dataset = datasets.CustomImageNet(in_path, class_ranges)
train_loader, test_loader = custom_dataset.make_loaders(workers=num_workers,

You’re all set! You can then use this custom_dataset and loaders just as you would any other existing/custom dataset in the robustness library. For instance, you can visualize training set samples and their labels using:

from import show_image_row
im, lab = next(iter(train_loader))
show_image_row([im], tlist=[[label_map[int(k)] for k in lab]])

Advanced Usage (Making Custom Datasets) Part 1: Browsing the WordNet Hierarchy

The ImageNetHierarchy class allows us to probe the WordNet hierarchy and create custom datasets with the desired number of superclasses. We first create an instance of the ImageNetHierarchy class:

from import ImageNetHierarchy
in_hier = ImageNetHierarchy(in_path, in_info_path)

Again, in_path should point to a folder with the ImageNet dataset in train and val sub-folders; in_info_path should be the path to the directory containing the aforementioned files (wordnet.is_a.txt, words.txt, imagenet_class_index.json).

We can now use the in_hier object to probe the ImageNet hierarchy. The wnid_sorted attribute, for example, is an iterator over the WordNet IDs, sorted by the number of descendents they have which are ImageNet classes:

for cnt, (wnid, ndesc_in, ndesc_total) in enumerate(in_hier.wnid_sorted):
    print(f"WordNet ID: {wnid}, Name: {in_hier.wnid_to_name[wnid]}, #ImageNet descendants: {ndesc_in}")

Given any WordNet ID, we can also enumerate all of its subclasses of a given superclass using the in_hier.tree object and its related methods/attributes:

ancestor_wnid = 'n02120997'
print(f"Superclass | WordNet ID: {ancestor_wnid}, Name: {in_hier.wnid_to_name[ancestor_wnid]}")

for cnt, wnid in enumerate(in_hier.tree['n02120997'].descendants_all):
    print(f"Subclass | WordNet ID: {wnid}, Name: {in_hier.wnid_to_name[wnid]}")

We can filter these subclasses based on whether they correspond to ImageNet classes using the in_wnids attribute:

ancestor_wnid = 'n02120997'
print(f"Superclass | WordNet ID: {ancestor_wnid}, Name: {in_hier.wnid_to_name[ancestor_wnid]}")
for cnt, wnid in enumerate(in_hier.tree[ancestor_wnid].descendants_all):
    if wnid in in_hier.in_wnids:
        print(f"ImageNet subclass | WordNet ID: {wnid}, Name: {in_hier.wnid_to_name[wnid]}")

Advanced Usage (Making Custom Datasets) Part 2: Making the Datasets

To create a dataset with the desired number of superclasses we use the get_superclasses() function, which takes in a desired number of superclasses n_classes, an (optional) WordNet ID ancestor_wnid that allows us to fix a common WordNet ancestor for all the classes in our new dataset, and an optional boolean balanced to get a balanced dataset (where each superclass has the same number of ImageNet subclasses). (see the docstring for more details).

superclass_wnid, class_ranges, label_map = in_hier.get_superclasses(n_classes,

This method returns WordNet IDs of chosen superclasses superclass_wnid, sets of ImageNet subclasses to group together for each of the superclasses class_ranges, and a mapping from superclass number to its human-interpretable description label_map.

You can also directly provide a list of superclass WordNet IDs ancestor_wnid that you would like to use to build a custom dataset. For instance, some sample superclass groupings can be found in

Once a list of WordNet IDs has been acquired (whether through the method described here or just manually), we can use the method presented at the beginning of this article to load the corresponding dataset:

custom_dataset = datasets.CustomImageNet(in_path, class_ranges)
train_loader, test_loader = custom_dataset.make_loaders(workers=num_workers,